Sunday, October 18, 2015

Accountability and Goals

I'm ba-ack!

After a long absence from the world of blogging, I'm returning with a favor to ask of any of my friends who follow this. Please hold me accountable.

I have set some fitness goals for the rest of 2015 and for 2016. I verbalized the goals to Richard, and my running buddy Amanda has them in writing. Because Facebook Messenger counts, right?

So here are my goals.
Long term, or by the 2016 holiday season:
- run 3-4 half marathons
- establish a consistent exercise routine
- follow the 12-week training outline emailed to me as part of training for the Yellowstone Half Marathon, beginning the last week of February

Short term, as steps toward achieving the long term:
- sign up for a membership at the local family fitness center
- follow a basic couch to 5k program, starting this week
- add 2 days of strength training to my weekly workout plan
- drink half my body weight in ounces of water each day
- log my food and activity on MyFitnessPal each day

It's humbling to me to put this out there for all to see, especially since I trained with Amanda this spring and successfully ran the Drop 13 Half Marathon in June. An injury from that training, combined with building a new house and moving my family twice, completely derailed my fitness attempts.

I really need to be held accountable in order to reach these goals, so I'm asking you, my friends, to encourage me and ask me about my goals. I will try to post successes each week, as part of my personal accountability.

Thank you all, in advance, for your love and support. My family and friends are my world, and I wouldn't be who I am today without each of you.